Joining the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim is an exciting experience for those who like some of the dangerous and mysterious aspects. This dark association of assassins is a welcome addition to the game, providing rich and exciting rewards, exclusive quests, and some of the finest moments in the Skyrim Dark Brotherhood questline. If you are a new gamer and wonder how to join the Dark Brotherhood guild, we have all the necessary information.
By reading this guide, we will tell you how to be part of the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim. Furthermore, we will also mention the option of destroying the Brotherhood for players who would like to explore another path.
What is the Dark Brotherhood?
For ancient ages, the Dark Brotherhood has been a secret group of murderers that Tamriel residents feared. In contrast to the Skyrim Thieves Guild, which is more of a subtle and clever institution, The Dark Brotherhood is characterized by its direct and violent methods. They are worshippers of Sithis, the Dark God of Death, and the Dark Mother is their leader, and the others are the nameless and faceless ones. However, in Skyrim, the guild is doing a little better, and the leadership has moved to Astrid.
This guild offers a lot of flexibility regarding players' approaches. You can decide how you want to interact with the Brotherhood-control your future as a professional murderer or be their destroyer.
How to Join the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim
Joining the Dark Brotherhood Skyrim takes a couple of steps, but it is easy if you have a general direction of where to go. Here's a quick explanation of the procedure:
First, be sure to know of a child named Aventus Aretino who wants the Dark Brotherhood to contact him. It is best to go out of your house and ask the innkeeper of the local inn about the recent news. According to the innkeeper, this kid, Aventus, is trying to offer Papa a gift in return for the confirmation of the Brotherhood.
After you have the information, go to Windhelm, which is in the Eastmarch hold, and seek Aventus' house. It's not far from Windhelm docks, and Aventus' residence is the one in the Gray Quarter. Aventus is doing a thing he calls the Black Sacrament, and if you visit him, he'll ask you, being honest, to murder Grelod the Kind, the oppressive headmistress of the Honorhall Orphanage in Riften.
Travel to Riften and go to Honorhall Orphanage. Grelod herself can be found here, horrifying the fledglings. Take an axe, kill her (boldly, nobody will miss her), and then, if she is dead, go to Aventus to finish the quest for Innocence Lost. He will show gratitude for your involvement, and that's the way you start your journey into the Dark Brotherhood.
The best part is after doing Innocence Lost; you will get the Mysterious Note, which will be marked on you. Usually, this takes place after the first 24 in-game hours. Please go to bed and rest for an hour to speed up the process. You wake up in a weird cabin after you sleep, being seized by Astrid.
Astrid will ask you to feel bad about killing one of the three prisoners in the cabin. You can choose the one you like, as the questline has no impact. Behead one of the prisoners, and the great world of Dark Brotherhood membership is yours!
How to Destroy the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim
Skyrim can offer you that alternative if you're more interested in eliminating the Dark Brotherhood than becoming a part of it. When Astrid assigns you to kill a hostage during the quest With Friends Like These..., kill Astrid instead. In turn, this will fail the mission and directly start the Destroy the Dark Brotherhood! quest chain, where you will be able to decimate the whole organization.
Wrecking the Brotherhood on your own has both advantages and disadvantages. You'll be able to get new items and rewards that are only attainable as you move ahead the quests of the guild. Nevertheless, it is pretty amusing and fulfilling for the people who want to purify the world from the assassins.
Hosting Your Own Skyrim Adventures with ScalaCube
Exploring touchstone features of this game and the Dark Brotherhood, a server for Skyrim mods or a role-playing server can be a more enriching experience. ScalaCube is a premium hosting service that offers reliable and easy-to-use Skyrim servers to you and your friends so you cannot only play but also explore Tamriel in ways you never thought possible.
Existence at the top level of eloquent communication can be achieved in writing, play, and the lives of others. If you or your friends are looking for the thrills of being killed by a Dark Brotherhood assassin together or modded custom adventures, we have the best hosting service for you. Our servers are engineered to excel, and we also provide you with various settings.
Adhering to the Dark Brotherhood of Skyrim assures us an extraordinary adventure with plots full of mystery, challenges, and bountiful pay. Irrespective of the choice to side with the assassins' squad or carry out severe destruction, the questline must be your Skyrim experience's main attraction. As a suggestion, for those searching for an uncommon pastime activity, the best adventure might be to make their own server of ScalaCube and become their own faces in the game. The best of luck to you, Dovahkiin!
To join the Dark Brotherhood of Skyrim, complete the mission Innocence Lost, rest, and wake up; a member named Astrid will reach out to join you.
You will get exclusive weapons, armor, and new followers, plus the possibility of having the strong Shadowmere horse, which is special.