Unlock the Core Keeper Boat by ranking up to the Scarlet tier and defeating such key enemies as Glurch, Ghorm, and the Hive Mother. To get the Iron and then the Scarlet Workbenches, craft the items you need for them. The final stage of these crafting steps is the stage from which you can build the Boat Workbench and your Boat with it.
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The basic Boat has a recipe that calls for 80 Planks, 50 Scarlet Bars, and 20 Mechanical Parts. To make a Speeder Boat that goes faster and has more health, the materials you will need in making one include 200 Coral Planks, 120 Octarine Bars, 30 Gold Bars, and 30 Mechanical Parts.
Every single one of these materials progresses further into different biomes and crafting levels in the game. This just goes to show the type of material needed to create something like a Boat required for your machinery in exploring.
When you die while on a Boat in Core Keeper, a floating Tombstone appears at the point you died, indicating where you lost your items.
The Boat itself will be there until reclaimed. To recover your items and your boat, build bridges to the site or take another boat there. Thus, be prepared to sail back to your Tombstone and recover your goods.
The Speeder is considered to be the best Boat in Core Keeper for a good reason: it is much faster than a normal boat. Although it requires more advanced and rarer sets of items to craft it, the additional speed involved from using the Speeder delivers very good value for the investment.
Added mobility is quite important to keeping pace with a large area of water effectively and quickly. If you have the resources, the Speeder is the better choice for most players.
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