Minecraft Snapshot 1.12-pre6 Server Hosting

Minecraft Server Hosting
Snapshot 1.12-pre6

How To Make Minecraft Snapshot 1.12-pre6 Server

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Recent Review

Lucas bardeguez
I had my reservations about paying a monthly subscription to a server because I had never done it before but if you want a server for all your friends this is a really good way to do it. you get the first month cheap and after that it’s like ~25$ (i believe i have the 5gb option) and when the server comfortably runs with 6-7 people and likely more than that if everyone splits it makes a really fun and affordable way to play modded minecraft with a mod pack that is ordinarily very hard to run. The server has crashed a few times but I think that is excusable considering how much stuff is in the mod pack and the amount of people participating. A few tips: When you first get your server it will say it’s configuring, i was worried that would take a long time but in reality it was only 3-4 hours when everything i read said 2-4 days so don’t fret that you won’t get to play for a long time. Be aware of the hardware capabilities of your computer, some mod packs are taxing on your machine and that isn’t necessarily the server’s fault. (lowering your render distance helps significantly with client side lag)