The world of Pokémon is an incredibly diverse and highly successful franchise, being one of the most profitable in the world. People from all across the planet know what Pokémon is, and can probably identify quite a few of them, like for example Pikachu and Charizard.
There have been multiple occasions where people have attempted to introduce the world of Pokémon into Minecraft, and they have done so with varying degrees of success. However, this is a very unique perspective, and one which does promise quite an enjoyable gameplay experience. This is Pokemodded Survival.
This particular modification pack is a lot like other variations that bring Pokémon into Minecraft, but it also allows for a high level of automation when it comes to resource gathering and adventuring. Basically, this means that you are free to get down to exactly what you want to do, which is the interesting stuff. The capturing and cataloguing of all the Pokémon that are available in the game is definitely going to be more interesting than farming resources to create the tools to catch them.
Ultimately, it will be up to you to take a look at all of the different options that you have available to you and work out exactly what is that you want to do. There are single player and multiplayer options available, as well as access to Pokemodded Survival server hosting.
The game mode itself is built for version 1.12.2. This means that you will need a fairly advanced version of Minecraft if you’re going to get the best possible outcome. It may seem like a considerable investment, but this is exactly how you make sure that your Minecraft experience is the best it can be.
We personally would recommend that you invest at least 8 GB of RAM into the use and running of the modification pack. This will give you all the power that you need to make sure that everything works out in the way it should, and prevent you from having any other problems when it comes to how you do things. Plus, if you’re interested in learning how to make a Pokemodded Survival server, you’ll be glad of the extra power.
Functionally, it’s important to make sure that you have as many resources as possible to undertake the main goal of the modification pack. Capturing and collecting all of these different Pokémon is definitely the primary motivation. From Pikachu to Charizard to Squirtle Bulbasaur, you have access to all of the old favourites.
So, it is up to you to find and collect all of the different Pokémon within the modification pack. Whether you do this on your own or with friends is up to you, but there are more than enough resources and clever gameplay mechanics to make sure that you get the best possible options. If you want to take a look at what’s on offer, you’re more than welcome to do so, and experimentation is definitely recommended for getting the best possible outcomes.
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