As part of your Stardew Valley game, working towards several key achievements can really help ensure your game is productive and driven. As part of this, the Legend achievement is one of the most widely desired by players—and we’ve outlined everything you need to know about the Legend achievement in Stardew Valley to help you understand more about this prestigious achievement overall.
What is the Legend Achievement in Stardew Valley?
Before we go any further, we first need to mention what the Legend achievement in Stardew Valley is actually awarded for. Simply put, the Legend achievement is they highest possible achievement for earnings in the game, and is awarded after earning a minimum of ten million g during the game.
The Legend achievement thus follows on from the Greenhorn, Cowpoke, Homesteader, and Millionaire achievements, which are awarded for 15,000g, 50,000g, 250,000g, and one million g earnings respectively.
What’s the Difference Between the Stardew Valley Legend and Local Legend Achievements?
It’s easy to feel a little confused between the Stardew Valley Legend achievement and the Local Legend achievement. However, while they are both genuine in-game achievements, they are awarded for very different things.
As we’ve already mentioned, the Legend achievement is awarded after earning ten million g. In contrast, the Local Legend achievement is awarded after you have restored the Community Center. Given this, it’s likely that you will get the Local Legend achievement much more quickly than the Legend achievement.
What is the Reward for the Stardew Valley Legend Achievement?
The Legend achievement unlocks the Sombrero hat, which is sold by the Hat Mouse in the old Abandoned House, which is found in Cindersnap Forest. The Sombrero costs 25,000g to purchase, although after making over ten million in earnings, this hopefully won’t seem like too much.
The Hat Mouse’s shop is open at all hours of the day, so you won’t have to worry about getting there at a certain
Do I Need to Do Anything Specific to Get the Legend Achievement?
The Legend achievement doesn’t have any particularly specific requirements other than earning a total of ten million g. Naturally, this is quite the challenge, and while there’s no specific time limit on the achievement, it’s one that many people will struggle to reach simply due to the massive earnings requirement.
Let’s suppose that you want to get the Legend achievement within the first three years of the game. This would equate to 336 game days. In order to make ten million g during that time, you would hence need to be averaging almost 30,000g in earnings every single day. And that’s just on average, too—for the first few seasons at least, your earnings are likely to be very low.
So, what’s the best way to go about this? Well, making sure you have a good manufacturing system set up is crucial to maximize the profitability of your farm, ensuring you add value to raw products to increase your returns. Furthermore, focusing on more profitable crops and animals can also be incredibly helpful; ancient seeds and starfruits are the ideal here, giving the highest income per day in the game—perfect for those wanting quick income.
Still, in order to be making 30,000g a day, you’ll ideally need to look further for opportunities to increase your income. A good opportunity here is to catch sturgeon and raise them in a fish pond for sturgeon roe, which can be put into a preserves jar to create caviar (which sells for 500g each). In addition, try to make sure all of your livestock are as friendly as possible; this increases the chances of getting higher-quality or large products from them, which in turn can be processed into incredibly valuable goods.
Remember, when working towards the Legend achievement, make sure you work to your strengths. The professions you have chosen will significantly influence how much you earn from a particular product; for example, the artisan profession can increase product value by a huge 40%.
The chances of getting the Legend achievement in Stardew Valley within one year of the game, although not technically impossible, is very unlikely. To do so, you would need to make almost 100,000g every single day on average, which equates to around 100 starfruits each and every day. Ouch!
Yes! Technically speaking, any income counts towards your Legend achievement. As such, if you sell items to Pierre’s (then buy them back) you can use this to increase your income stats. However, you’ll need plenty of financial reserves to do this, since Pierre pays much less than he’d sell the item for.
Final Thoughts
If you’ve been looking to complete the game in Stardew Valley, making sure you’ve been working towards all of the achievements is a must. Fortunately, Stardew Valley’s Legend achievement isn’t all that hard to achieve if you’re playing the game seriously, and while it’s a lot of money to earn, it’s absolutely possible—especially once you get further into the game and start unlocking higher value products.
But remember: there’s no point in putting all the work into getting the Legend achievement if your game keeps crashing and losing your progress. Fortunately, with a dedicated server from ScalaCube, you can enjoy instant access, even on multiplayer servers, and 24/7 uptime you can count on—giving you more time to work on your game.