One of the most unique creatures in the Stardew Valley universe—at least on the livestock front—has to be the iconically named “Void Chicken.” Indeed, void chickens are different from your regular coop chickens for several different reasons, and their ominous name perfectly matches their spooky black and red design. But what are void chickens, how do you get them, and critically—are they as terrifying as they sound? Well, we’ve outlined the main things you need to know about these Valley void egg laying birds to help you decide whether you’re brave enough to welcome them onto your farm.
What is a Void Chicken?
Before we go any further, we first need to consider what a void chicken actually is. Indeed, needless to say, void chickens aren’t something that you can find on a farm in real life, making void chickens one of the exclusive creatures to the Stardew game. But that alone doesn’t really say what they are.
Well, the answer to this isn’t entirely clear in Stardew Valley lore. However, it is known that the original void egg in Stardew Valley was created as the result of a witch flying over the farm in the middle of the night while the player sleeps. This event is entirely random, and the following morning, the void egg is left behind. As such, it’s safe to say that void chickens are the result of witchcraft and likely to do with magical meddling in regular eggs.
Physically, there are very few differences between a void chicken and a regular chicken. Other than being different in color, they are roughly the same size; however, rather than laying regular brown or white eggs, void chickens will lay black and red void eggs.
Void chickens are probably the most common type of void animal you’ll find in Stardew Valley, but they aren’t the only ones. You can also come across void spirits (monster enemies) and terrifying-looking void salmon. Notably, the void salmon’s description states that it has been “twisted by void energy,” so it is likely that this is the same for our void chickens.
What is a Void Egg in Stardew Valley?
By this point, we understand what a void chicken is—but how about its eggs? Well, while the void hens themselves are pretty similar to their regular counterparts, other than a different color palette, the same couldn’t be farther from the truth for void eggs. Indeed, as of the version 1.6.2 update, these eggs are poisonous, giving no health when eaten and deducting a lot of energy. However, they can be used in cooking (if you dare!)
Fortunately, while consuming void eggs is definitely a risky bet, one thing you won’t need to worry about in
Stardew is keeping your game stable and lag-free when you invest in a ScalaCube server. So, if it sometimes feels like the witch has cursed your game to lag and crash for a past-time, be sure to give a private server a try.
Are Void Chickens Any Harder to Raise Than Regular Chickens?
Other than the fact that the only way to get them is to hatch them manually, meaning you can’t simply skip the incubation waiting time by buying void chickens, they don’t need any different care to regular chickens. As such, they are no harder to raise once you have hatched them.
Hatching a void chicken, as with regular chickens, takes just shy of six in-game days, although the coopmaster professional also applies to void chickens, in which case, it will take just under three days for your void egg to hatch.
How Do I Get a Void Egg in Stardew Valley?
As we have already mentioned, the main way that people will get a void egg in Stardew Valley is through a random event. However, there are also three other ways to get your hands on one. Void eggs can be purchased from Krobus for 5,000g, can be produced by a void Salmon fish pond with a population of nine, or can be gifted to you if you have married Shane. However, they are not available to buy from any of the regular stores—which makes sense, really. They were previously available in the traveling cart, but this was changed as of the version 1.4 update.
No, void chickens cannot be bought in Stardew Valley. The closest you can get is buying a void egg from Krobus for 5000g and incubating it, from which a void chicken will hatch.
A regular void chicken egg is worth more than a regular brown or white chicken egg. However, void chickens can only lay regular size eggs of varying sizes, whereas normal hens can potentially lay large eggs if they have high enough friendship levels. As such, void chicken eggs may be worth less on average than eggs laid by regular chickens. They are also worth less than golden chickens, which lay golden eggs every day (the most valuable of all egg types).
You’ll need either a big coop or a deluxe coop in order to hatch a void chicken, since the regular coop does not come with an incubator.
Yes. Void eggs can be used to make void mayonnaise, which is worth quite a bit more than regular mayonnaise made from a small brown or white chicken egg.
Final Thoughts
They might be a little terrifying, but void eggs can potentially be a worthwhile addition to your Stardew Valley farm, especially if you want a little more diversity in your coop. As such, if you find yourself coming across a void egg, why not try sticking it in the incubator to hatch; you might just find that you end up with something a little different at the end of it.