Have you ever wondered about how to get golden chickens in Stardew Valley? Golden chickens are incredibly valuable compared to regular chickens in Stardew Valley, but they’re not the easiest animals to get your hands on. In line with this thought, today, we’re looking at some of the key things you should know about how to get a golden chicken in Stardew; hopefully, this will help you create the perfect flock for your farm—or even an entire golden egg laying enterprise! (Wouldn’t that be nice in real life?)
Are Golden Chickens Real in Stardew Valley?
Before we go any further, it’s first important that we clarify: are golden chickens real in Stardew Valley? Well, they might hold near mythical status, but yes—it’s absolutely possible to find golden chickens in Stardew Valley.
These unique birds look very similar to regular chickens, with the exception of their gorgeous, vibrant gold plumage. As such, golden chickens are very easy to pick out among a flock of regular hens, although they aren’t quite as striking in design as blue and void chickens.
How to Get a Golden Chicken in Stardew Valley
Golden chickens are the hardest type of animal to obtain in Stardew Valley, meaning you’ll need to dedicate a lot of time to the game in order to get hold of them. In fact, you’ll need to 100% complete the game before you even have a chance of getting a golden chicken, which is known as achieving perfection.
Naturally, achieving perfection is a big commitment in the game. However, nothing’s worse than finding that all your hard work goes down the drain because the server keeps crashing! Luckily, this is something you’ll never have to worry about with a ScalaCube 24/7 uptime server, so you can trust that your hard work is safe.
Achieving Perfection in Stardew Valley
Perfection is more than just a concept in Stardew Valley; it’s in fact a fully achievable measure. Perfection refers to your completion of the game, and as you may have guessed, you’ll get the Perfection achievement once you have fully completed Stardew Valley. There are several different things you’ll need to complete to achieve this in the game, which include the following points.
Shipping goal (15%): Ship at least one of every item in the items shipped menu.
- Obelisks (45): Build all four obelisks on your farm (earth, water, desert, and island).
- Golden clock (10%): Build a golden clock on your farm.
- Monster slayer (10%): Complete all Adventurer’s Guild quests.
- Friendship (11%): Become great friends with all villagers in the game by reaching maximum hearts (eight for datable villagers and ten for non-datable villagers)
- Skills (5%): Reach level 10 in all skills in the game.
- Stardrops (10%): Find all seven stardrops within the game.
- Cooking (10%): Have cooked every recipe in the game (81 recipes in total).
- Crafting (10%): Have crafted all items in the game (149 or 150, depending on whether you’re playing in single player or multiplayer mode).
- Fishing (10%): Have caught all fish in the game (72 in total).
- Golden Walnuts (5%): Have found all 130 golden walnuts on Ginger Island.
- Getting Your First Golden Chicken in Stardew Valley
By now, you’ve hopefully completed all of the main Perfection quests in the game. However, you won’t immediately receive a golden chicken for completing Perfection—so, how do you get hold of one?
Well, once you’ve achieved Perfection, you’ll have the opportunity to buy or find a golden egg. These only become available and possible once you have achieved Perfection, even when they appear by chance. As such, if you have not fully completed the game, you will never be able to buy a golden egg.
The ways to obtain a golden egg after reaching perfection are as follows:
- Buying a golden egg: Golden eggs can be bought for 100,000g from Marnie’s Ranch or for 100 gems from Qi’s Walnut Room.
- Random events: A golden egg can potentially spawn from a random event where a golden witch flies over your chicken coop, leaving a golden egg behind. A very similar event can cause a void egg to spawn within your chicken coop, although in this case, it’s a void witch.
- Fishing treasure chests: When getting treasure from fishing, there is a very small (0.12%) chance of getting a golden egg.
Once you have obtained a golden chicken egg, you’ll need to place it in an incubator to hatch a golden chicken. There is no way to buy an already-hatched golden chicken in the game, unfortunately, so you’ll need to at least have a big coop; with that being said though, by this point in the game, you’ll likely have already invested in a bigger coop anyway.
Do Golden Chickens Need Different Care to Regular Chickens?
Despite being such fancy birds, golden chickens don’t actually need any different care to regular chickens. The only difference in terms of care is that you will have to hatch out golden chickens from eggs in an incubator, as you cannot purchase them directly from Marnie’s Ranch. Otherwise, though, golden chickens are functionally the same as regular chickens. They also lay eggs daily like regular chickens, although they lay golden eggs, which are worth significantly more than regular brown or white eggs.
Golden chickens are worth the same to sell as regular brown and white chickens in Stardew Valley. However, their eggs are worth much more than brown or white eggs, so they are worth substantially more from an income perspective.
Yes! Golden chickens will lay one golden egg daily in Stardew Valley, provided they are happy and well cared for. However, if your golden chickens are not fed or are left outside in the rain, they will not lay an egg that day until they are happier.
Golden eggs in Stardew Valley are worth substantially more than all other egg types, including brown, white, blue, and void eggs. Golden eggs are worth 500g at their base price, while white, brown, and void eggs are worth 50g, 50g, and 65g, respectively.
It’s absolutely worth hatching a golden egg into a golden chicken, although this can be a long-term investment if you’ve purchased a golden egg from Marnie’s Ranch. Each golden chicken can lay one golden egg per day, representing an annual income of 56,000g. As such, hatching a golden chicken can be a good long term investment, although if you’re paying 100,000g from Marnie’s Ranch, it will take quite a while to see your investment back.
Final Thoughts
If you’ve been wondering about how to get golden chickens in Stardew, there are several ways to go about this. However, it’s worth keeping in mind that golden chickens—perhaps befitting their nature—are incredibly hard to earn, since you’ll need to have completed the entire game before they are even available.