When the Skyrim game was initially released, players had to face a level cap of 81, meaning that they could not improve their characters further. The original skill system had this limitation. However, as part of the updates, the limit was removed, and especially in Skyrim Special Edition, the creators introduced the Legendary Skill System, which became the most game-changing feature of all. They eliminated the level cap and allowed players to build up to their own character through Legendary Skills.
But what exactly do Legendary Skills offer in Skyrim? Exploring the ins and outs of the system, how it works, and its impact.
What Are Legendary Skills in Skyrim?
Players get the option to reset their skill to a base level of 15 when the skill is maxed out at 100 in Legendary Skills. This option thus enables them to level up without needing to continuously change their skills. If it is done in such a manner that all of the archery skills, alchemy, or one-handed skills remain on the same level, you will keep on getting the same skills over and over, unlocking new perks. However, the drawback is that all the perk points in that skill's tree are refunded, and you have to start from the beginning to level it up.
The method provides almost boundless character customization, thus granting you the chance to allocate your character's distinctive abilities as you see fit. However, it is not perfect, and we'll discuss this in more detail.
What Does Making a Skill Legendary Do?
When you make a skill Legendary in Skyrim, the game resets that skill to level 15 and refunds all perk points associated with it. Fundamentally, it is simply an emulating prestige system that is found in other games. As you level up that skill again, the character level remains the same so that you can progress well beyond the original level cap.
The reset is certainly a great way to unlock additional perk points on other skills simultaneously or relocate them into the skill tree once you've leveled it back up. This allows you the freedom to try other playstyles or concentrate on perfecting particular skills in many resets. However, this also means losing the perks you have unlocked for a while, which, in turn, can be challenging if you depend on these specific skills in combat or exploration.
Are Legendary Skills Worth It?
The system of Legendary Skills is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it gives an extraordinary, replayable experience. Players can reset their skill levels to play the game again and then level other characters. In Skyrim, where the Radiant quest system gives out endless side quests, they can change and use a single character to feel like the one that is always improving.
On the other hand, making a skill Legendary may restrain some character builds. For example, if the main strength of your character is the Stealth Archer skills, such as Eagle Eye, and archery is a skill you have just reset, then you would lose all related perks. Consequently, it puts you at a loss while trying to destroy foes with high difficulty, giving you only a source of time to build up the level.
So, is it worth it? Those who want to fully master all parts of Skyrim through one character would greatly benefit from Legendary Skills. But if creating new characters with different experiences is your preferred way of play, or if you are very dependent on certain perks, this system can so restrict you.
The Pros and Cons of Legendary Skills
Like any game mechanics, Legendary Skills has advantages and disadvantages. Let's examine them:
Pros of Legendary Skills
- No level cap—you can keep leveling up indefinitely
- Returns the skill points, allowing different kinds of builds
- Focusing on a small number of skills explicitly rather than spreading them all over the game
- Makes the game sufficiently challenging at high levels
Cons of Legendary Skills
- Combat can be harder when you reset your commanding skills to a lower level
- The racial bonus is gone; it is not possible to reset them
- Used-up skill books cannot be used anymore
- Enforcement of a playstyle that may be considered narrowed down
How to Make a Skill Legendary in Skyrim
Taking a particular skill to the Legendary level is a very simple process, but you need to level up a skill to level 100 before you can do that. After reaching the maximum level, the skill screen shows the "Make Legendary" option. Choose the skill you want to reset, confirm your choice, and it will immediately be reduced to level 15.
All perk points related to that skill tree you reset will be returned so you can reassign them the way you like. Then, you can proceed to level up that particular skill again and amass more experience and perks.
Legendary Skills and Skyrim Servers
For people who like to play Skyrim with their friends or in multiplayer modes, the Legendary Skills system presents an interesting element that can enrich the excitement. It gives the gamers enough time to evolve their characters, preventing the game from becoming drab and monotonous even after logging hundreds of hours of play.
If you plan to host a Skyrim server to play with your friends, try a reliable hosting service such as ScalaCube, which provides the best game server hosting needed to accomplish the peculiarities of Sky's skill system, including Legendary Skills. The multiplayer function is sometimes disabled due to a slow internet connection and will be the only thing that is disrupted by a dedicated server. But with a dedicated server, you won't experience any lags; thus, you and your players will achieve infinite levels by using the Legendary Skills to level indefinitely.
When you make a skill legendary, it reverts back to level 15, rewarding all the spent perk points in that skill tree, and you can level it up again. Thus, your description is right.
Yes, combat can be harder when you have to start over with the skills, but leveling the combat skills again is a good source of fun and trouble.
To reach Legendary status, you need to attain skill level 100, and then you must go to the skill tree and choose the "Make Legendary" option to raise it to level 1.