Among The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim's multiple challenges, managing to carry weight can be one of the most annoying. Whether you're a die-hard fan of any of the weapons, armor, or random souvenirs, sooner or later, when you walk a lot, the fun will end with you reaching your carry limit. Anyone who enjoys limitless looting in Skyrim must know how to increase Carry Weight. In this guide, we will look at different methods of increasing your carry weight in Skyrim, both permanently and temporarily, so you can make the most of your inventory space and continue exploring without having to stop frequently.
How to Permanently Boost Carry Weight in Skyrim
Increasing carry weight by boosting your character's stamina is the most efficient way in Skyrim. You have the choice of increasing Magicka, Health, or Stamina by 10 points for every level you obtain. Although Magicka and Health are vital in combat and survival, stamina is the only quality that determines the amount of carry weight. With every stamina bonus of 10, your carrying space extends by 5 points.
While stamina plays a role in sprinting and stealth kills, the major benefit is that it adds to the carrying weight. It's a wise choice to begin to invest in stamina at the start because you will be hauling around a number of items on your journeys.
Another method that players are using to increase their carry weight in Skyrim is through the Pickpocket skill tree. The "Extra Pockets" perk provides you with an additional 100 points for your carry weight. To get this perk, you need to have 50 skill points in Pickpocket, and you must also unlock "Light Fingers" and "Night Thief." Stealing jewelry like rings and necklaces of lower value is the easiest way to boost your Pickpocket. At the same time, this will give you practice in getting the items that have a higher value-to-weight ratio.
Temporary Boosts: Standing Stones, Potions, and Exploits
One can buy a few consumables to get better stats even if they are not ready to make a small-time investment. Some can even be considered on this occasion.
The Steed Stone: +100 Carry Weight
Among the choices, the Steed Stone is an enormously efficient way of adding space to your inventory for a particular period. It adds a bonus of +100 carry weight to your character and eliminates the speed penalty you get while wearing heavy armor. The Steed Stone can be discovered on the ridge of ice northwest of Solitude. Through it, you can fly with the wind without being burdened by the weight of your loot.
Werewolf and Vampire Lord Forms
Regardless of the amazing choices made by the players, the wolfmen have made a revolution instead of making to be killed. They are allowed to have the freedom to do whatever they want without the limitations of being elated. The werewolves, who are Beasts, enjoy a great 2000 carry weight increase. Besides, once the Vampire Lords have the Dawnguard DLC, they are able to levitate. Therefore, they do not suffer anymore from Carry Weight problems and are able to carry out even more loot.
Boosting Carry Weight with Potions and Enchantments
To be more precise, carry weight can also be elevated in Skyrim with the help of potions. An example of Fortify Carry Weight potion (also called the Potion or Elixir of Strength) is Warbler Egg. You can find them throughout Skyrim or crafted if you are skilled in the art of Alchemy. These potions are a temporary solution to the problem of carry weight. Interestingly, let's say you will meet the level in the quest of a dungeon, and you're short of carry weight for just one piece of loot.
Clog your arteries with the change of hands and craft items with a blow-up to fortify Carry Weight. For illustration, magic boots with a Fortify Carry Weight enchantment are one of the random items that will appear in the game, and you are allowed to disenchant them to apply the same enchantment to your garment. With this enchantment, you will get the chance to create boots that will give you more capacity to carry your loot.
Clever Tricks and Exploits to Manage Carry Weight
Horses: If you are not able to run, jump on a horse and move quickly. Horses do not get affected by the weight penalty, thus, this is a great method to return to town fast when you are overburdened.
Followers: Your followers have their own carry weight limit, which is usually around 300 units. But there is a method to use: Place the items in a chest or container with a command to your follower to "take all," which allows them to carry more items than their default limit.
Whirlwind Sprint and Ranger Perk: Carrying too much stuff? The Whirlwind Sprint shout can be a useful tool for you to move your character quickly even when weighed down. Similarly, the Ranger perk in the Archery skill tree enables you to run faster when you are wielding a bow; it provides you with some extra speed.
Corpse Carrying: Unorthodox, though it is; you can pile your loot on a corpse and then drag the body behind you as you move. Corpses can be carried, unlike chests, but caution you need to move within the same zone as bodies are not portable and eventually will vanish.
Hosting Your Own Skyrim Multiplayer World
Apart from how to master Skyrim's carry-weight system and feel like sharing your hoarding tendencies with friends, the obvious could be to host a multiplayer server yourself. At ScalaCube, we have servers for several games, including Skyrim, that we host. Our servers are built to handle mods, custom settings, and multiplayer compatibility, providing a great experience to play with your friends free of any restrictions. Whether it's a race to carry the highest amount of loot or they are just exploring dungeons together, a reliable server really does the trick.
Enhance your stamina and purchase the Extra Pockets perk in the pickpocket skill tree.
The Steed Stone is on the northwest coast of Solitude, near Fort Hraggstad, and adds to your +100 carry weight.
Potions for Strength, the Steed Stone, and transformation forms like Werewolf or Vampire Lord.
Yes, it happens. You can exceed your carry limit by using the "take all" command from a container.