How to Cure Vampirism in Skyrim
Are vampires being in Skyrim not so cool anymore? Are you dreaming of being sunbathing in the daylight without wondering if someone is waiting in the bushes? If you are seeking assistance on how to cure Vampirism in Skyrim, you are on the right track. To sum it up, here is a comprehensive and engaging guide that will make sure you can live the mortal life you deserve again.
Understand Vampirism in Skyrim
Vampirism, commonly referred to as Sanguinare Vampiris, lets a whole new aspect add to the Elder Scrolls universe of your gaming experience. This weird metamorphosis, either of a wayward attack by a vampire or one's own personal choice, is the primary point that brings a novelty thrill into the whole gaming experience. It is greatest when no superior person is an incessant peril to the vampire hunter.
Contracting Vampirism
If a vampire attacks you, there's a chance of contracting this ancient disease. Throughout the first three days of the encounter, the following messages may appear on the game screen: "You feel strangely weakened by the sunrise." The player can only infect himself or herself through various ways during this period. Potions of Cure Disease, engaging with a Vigilant of Stendarr, or even just visiting a shrine can help you beat the affliction early on.
However, if you miss that chance and let the disease grow rampant, you'll be in the advanced phase called full Vampirism, which will require a more complicated way of curing it, and thus, it gets harder.
Steps to Cure Vampirism in Skyrim
So, you have now become a true vampire. It's not a problem; there is still a way out. Here is how you can heal your Vampirism in Skyrim by following the steps:
Find Falion in Morthal
First, you will have to visit Morthal city, which is located west of Whiterun. In this place, you will find Falion, a wizard who specializes in Vampires.
Engage in the Quest—Rising at Dawn
Falion will tell you he wants you to contribute by discovering the filled Black Soul Gem. You can get these gems in different dungeons in Skyrim or buy them from Falion or Enthir at the College of Winterhold.
Procure a Black Soul Gem
Falion should obtain the last of the black Soul Gems, and he will say that he will be conducting these rituals.
Fill the Soul Gem
You must first execute the Soul Trap spell on a humanoid enemy to capture its soul—just engage any bandit in the wild. Afterwards, promptly strike down the bandit to secure the soul of the beast in that gem. Do not hunt down innocents, as officials will seek you later when you wrongfully steal one's life.
Return to Falion
When you get hold of the filled Black Soul Gem, you see Falion again. He will appear at the summoning arena and then perform the exorcism that will free you from Vampirism and bring you back the power to run without trouble.
The Benefits of Vampirism
Don't be too quick to banish Vampirism out of your life without thinking of the good things it has to offer. All vampires in Skyrim are masters.
For example, Vampire's Seduction will immediately calm your foes, while Embrace of Shadows will make you invisible. Furthermore, the longer you wait to feed, the more powerful these abilities will be.
Moreover, vampires are immune to diseases and poisons that humans do not possess. This in itself can come as a very nice advantage during your adventures in the massive open world called Skyrim. Nevertheless, the negative aspects are evident: your powers are diminished, and your life expectancy is shortened by sunlight and the Vigilants of Stendarr.
Consequences of Curing Vampirism
After you succeed in curing your Vampirism, a very drastic change is inevitable. Your powers and resistance during your time as a vampire will vanish. But, there is also some good news: this loss is not necessarily permanent. If you find the player wants back the atomic Vampirism, he can choose the option again.
Hosting Services for Your Adventures in Skyrim
While progressing through Skyrim either as a mortal or a vampire, the game’s quality can be significantly enhanced by injecting the right mod. ScalaCube gives you the chance to host your own server through a server, which will enable you to spend some good time with your friends as you play multiplayer games. Whether you want to explore dungeons together, participate in battles, or simply walk through the stunning game landscapes, ScalaCube will be there to provide reliability and performance for you.
It is all as simple as it sounds! No matter whether you get vampire power willingly or it is an outcome of an attack, now you have the answer to how to heal from it in Skyrim. It is suggested that you proceed through the steps, weigh the ups and downs, and do not forget that you can return to the underworld if you wish.
If you've become a vampire within the last three days, a Cure Disease Potion or a Shrine like the Shrine of Talos near Whiterun can rid you of the infection.
If you are only suffering from Sanguinare Vampiris, you can cure it by visiting the shrine or using the potion of Cure Disease. For Vampirism, you should start the "Rising at Dawn" quest by asking an innkeeper for rumours.
If you have no dragon blood, drink blood from a human at night and then talk to Falion at dawn near the cemetery. Say, "Let's do this quickly," and he will cure your Vampirism.
Plug in your own server to Skyrim with ScalaCube and let your friends enjoy smooth experiences of playing with you